Graph Theory


   Textbook 1:
    G. Agnarsson and R. Greenlaw, Graph Theory: Modeling, Applications, and Algorithms, Pearson, 2007.

Slide (ppt):
Chapter 1 Introduction to Graph Theory
Chapter 2 Basic Concepts in Graph Theory
Chapter 3 Trees and Forests
Chapter 4 Spanning Trees
Chapter 5 Fundamental Properties of Graphs and Digraphs
Chapter 6 Connectivity and Flow
Chapter 7 Planar Graphs
Chapter 8 Graph Coloring
Chapter 10 Independence, Dominance, and Matchings
Chapter 13 Graph Algorithms

   Textbook 2:
    G. Chartrand and O. R. Oellermann, Applied and Algorithmic Graph Theory, McGraw-Hill, 1993.

Slide (ppt):
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Graphs
Chapter 2 An Introduction to Algorithms
Chapter 3 Tree
Chapter 4 Paths and Distance in Graphs
Chapter 5 Networks
Chapter 6 Matchings and Factorizations
Chapter 7 Eulerian Graphs
Chapter 8 Hamiltonian Graphs
Chapter 9 Planar Graphs
Chapter 10 Coloring Graphs


100學年度: quiz1, midterm, quiz2, final
99學年度: quiz1, midterm, quiz2, final
98學年度: quiz1, midterm, quiz2, final
96學年度: quiz1, midterm, quiz2, final
95學年度: quiz1, midterm, quiz2, final
94學年度: quiz1, midterm, quiz2, final
93學年度: quiz1, midterm, quiz2, final
